
Two years ago I moved to the city of my dreams and it felt right that I should create this throwing in my new experiences, passions and aspiration in this big pot of a blog.

Who am I? A 20-something-year old former Joburgian who loves Fantasy, Music, Weird weird things, Daydreaming, Running series marathons, Learning new stuff, Passionate about customer services, Loves herย boyfriend’s kisses, Road trips, Photography, Attending local creative events and Finding bliss in the littlest of things.


Please do also check out my other blog French Toastย of daily inspirational quotes,& bliss:)

12 thoughts on “About

  1. Faith, I have enjoyed reading a couple of your posts on this blog. I love your creative zeal and the way you seem so in love with life – it’s contagious ๐Ÿ™‚ in a good way. Keep it up and keep doing what you love!


    • Hi Beatrice, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and for the kind words.
      I just visited your blog and loved it! I can relate to some of your adventures in travelling solo far from home. I’m excited to be reading more of your blog especially with all event updates and the ventures you get up to in this wonderful mother city!:D

      Liked by 1 person

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